
Tuesday, 15 September 2015

How to Rig your Micro Jig- Micro jigging Rigging

In the Micro Jigging Page  I covered the basics of micro jigging. In this series We will cover the ways to rig up the micro jig. Rigging up your jig would make the difference in hook up and bite rates. A jig action is designed to work best with nothing on it at all hence when rigging we want to pay attention to what we are adding onto the jig the lesser the better the jig action also better hook up rates.

Micro Jigging Rigging

-Easy switch method 
-Improved EZ switch method 
-Minimalist method 
-Kiasu method 

1) The Easy switch method 
How to rig Micro jig

This method requires three things a barrel,split ring, solid ring 
Leader is tied to the barrel swivel

-The barrel swivel prevents line twists 
-Jig can be easily switched out via split ring 
-Hooks can be easily switched out to bigger or smaller hooks via split rings

- It is a bulky and can affect the action of the jigs. Keep in mind we are using tiny jigs as tiny as 5grams. 
-When a fish is hooked up the solid ring is the weakest point which is a possible point of failure. Beefing up the solid ring could mean affecting the action even more. 

When to use this method? 
This method of rigging is best used only when fishes are Fussy and you have to constantly keep changing jigs and jig sizes. The main advantage is that you dont have to keep retying your leader to the jig and that can cost you fishes . However the two disadvantages is why I would shy away from this style.

2)The improved EZ switch method  
How to rig Micro jig

This method requires two things a split ring, solid ring 
Leader is tied directly to the solid ring

-Jig can be easily switched out via split ring 
-Lighter than method 1(jig is more lively) 
-Split ring is no longer a weak point 

How to rig Micro jig Disadvantages 
-Lack of barrel swivel can introduce line twist  
-Hooks cannot be easily switched out
-Hinders jig action slightly 

When to use this method? 
This method of rigging is best used when jigs used are about the same size but fishes are Fussy on color and you have to constantly keep changing jigs. The main advantage is that you can change jigs quickly but changing hook size would require retying . This is a method which I would recommend over the conventional method 1.

3) Minimalist method 

This method require no add ons and leader is tied directly to the jig 

-Brings out the best action in the jig
-Has no weak points 

-Lack of barrel swivel can introduce line twist  
-Hooks cannot be easily switch out 
-Jig cannot be easily switched out 

When to use this method? 
This method of rigging is best used when you are sure of what size of jig and hooks fishes are biting that day. This would bring out the best action and also give no good confidence as there is no weak points. However an angler proficient in knot tying should not find the disadvantages a hindrance and enjoy the advantages of this method with out much downside. This is the method I use on a regular basis as it brings out the best action from the jig. 

4) Kiasu method 

An additional treble hook is added to the jig this method is to be used with any of the earlier 3 mentioned method.
-Improves hook up rate 

-Severely affects jigs action 
-Increases risk of jig getting stuck 

When to use this method? 
This method should only be use if you are facing huge difficulty in converting bites into hook ups. The disadvantage of having the treble on is way more than the advantage it brings. Paired with method one of rigging can kill the action of the jig entirely. So only add on the treble if there is a real need. 

Looping in of the hooks
This is how you sure the hooks to the jig or the solid ring.
  1. Thread line through the jig 
  2. Bring hook back into its loop
  3. Pull hook end 
  4. Tighten  
How to loop in hook

Micro jigging Tips For rigging 

  • Keep the rigging to the minimal an thing that adds weight affects action 
  • Adding 2 hooks instead of 1 increases your hook up rate

Thank you for taking time to read this and I hope you found this useful. Feel free to comment or drop me an email if you have any questions.



  1. How serious is line twist without the use of barrel swivel?

    1. Hi Unknown! Line twist does not seem to be a problem for me as I personally use the minimalist method

  2. Hi Joel,

    I plan to do the minimalist method with my micro jigs, do you need to strike during hook up?


  3. Could you do a session on these:
    1. What hook size to use when micro? (small jig with small hook? will the small hook straighten easily?)
    2. recommended poundage on split ring, solid ring, swivel? and even hook?
    3. General guideline on assist hook length?
